Acne is a term used for a variety of symptoms such as buttons, blacks and whites. It is a condition in which the pores become clogged and inflamed the person is not inflamed lesions. Acne is most common in people who are in adolescence, but it can take people in middle age and beyond, too. Women may have rounded upâ € ™ s 25 or 35 years or even longer. Also dirty hair or skin does not cause acne. Sex, too few or she does not cause acne. You should never try to squeeze or white buttons. It will add to the inflammation. You can cause an infection. A button can be or weeks, but it will still to be resolved. A white head is a non-inflamed plugged pose. The nucleus of a white head is much smaller than the nucleus of a black head. A button naturally forms of abducting a white head pore wall. Acne are classified into four categories, the first being a mild with a few blacks and whites. The fourth and most serious of quality, composed of many whites, blacks, pastules, nodules and cysts. E-four years acne is a serious condition where there is inflammation, and it turns red or purple. And itâ € ™ s a sign that you should see a dermatologist. Acne can also be linked to menstruation. There is an entity called premenstrual acne outbreak, which in some ladies there is increased acne just before menstruation. This is again because of a certain increase in the hormone. Both physiological factors that may have beneficiary on acne are: 1) Age & 2) The pregnancy. As age advances, the severity of acne may diminish in many cases. Pregnancy can help acne because it is a "high" state estrogen and estrogen-ant action of testosterone. But marriage itself has no effect on acne. The key to acne outbreaks women is found in its makeup. Try to avoid makeup oil based. Oil is generally derived fatty acids, which are more efficient than your own fatty acids. An advice to a person prone to acne is that everything before putting in place or cream on top forecasts, controls, nose or chin, to apply it on the wrist and try wash all without soap. If it can be washed without soap while you can use it on the face, not otherwise. The exceptions to this rule are lipsticks, eyeliners, eye shadows and mascara; Because they are applied to areas where acne does not arise. You do not have to press the buttons and white. Acne propagates if you try to press a button that you can see on his face. Squeezing can cause infection. You can not do anything with a button to make it disappear faster. A white head is a non-inflamed clogged pores. When you squeeze the whitehead, the pore wall could burst and the contents could occur on the skin and cause a button. A button naturally forms of the abduction of a whitehead pore wall.